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What do you think about the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan? Let us know!

The City of Ottawa is now seeking comments on the draft Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan prior to its approval this fall by the Planning and Housing Committee. The plan will direct substantial growth and development in the lands surrounding the Lincoln Fields LRT station and will result in significant changes to Woodpark and the surrounding area.  Some of the key elements of the plan in Woodpark include:

  • High rise development along the west side of Edgeworth between Carling and Lawn with buildings as tall as 24 stories (previous discussion with city officials had indicated that these developments would only be 18 stories high)

  • High rise developments along Carling between the Lincoln Fields Station and Woodroffe ranging from 9 to 40 stories with vehicular access to these developments from neighbouring streets to improve the appearance and functioning of Carling Ave

  • Low or mid-rise developments at the north end for Edgeworth/west end of Midway, contingent on developer funded environmental remediation of these contaminated lots

  • Unspecified future development as high as forty stories in the NCC lands north of Carling and immediately east of the Lincoln Fields LRT station 

  • Requirements for outdoor amenity spaces and parkland dedication as part of development applications but no recognition of the lack of park and community facilities that currently exists in Woodpark

  • Much needed sidewalks along Edgeworth Ave between Carling and Lawn and public access for pedestrians and cyclists from Edgeworth developments to future active transportation networks to the west. 

The Woodpark Community Association has been closely following the development of the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan and have had regular discussions with the city planners as the plan has been developed. We recognize the acute need for increased housing and services near the LRT Station and the importance of moving to a less car reliant community. However, we are genuinely concerned about the scale of developments proposed and their impact on our existing neighbourhood. The plan does little to address the concerns we have raised, and the size of the developments has increased since the initial discussions.

The Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan Documents can be accessed at the following links.

The Woodpark Community Association urges residents to become familiar with the plan and provide written comments to the City by September 20, 2024, by sending an email to with a cc to Previous City of Ottawa presentations on the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan and the Association's January 2024 letter to the City 's planners can be found on the website.

Thank you for your interest in ensuring that Woodpark is a safe, sustainable, and liveable community.

Woodpark Community Association

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