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Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit ProjectNotice of Upcoming Construction: Edgeworth Avenue and Lawn Avenue Area

Notes from Woodpark Community Association - Expect extended traffic impairment starting August 19, 2024 at Edgeworth & Lawn. Below is the notice the Association received from the Stage 2 LRT team.  We asked several questions and their responses are at the end of the notice. 

As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, crews will be replacing drainage infrastructure on Edgeworth Avenue between Lawn Avenue and Carling Avenue, and on Lawn Avenue between Edgeworth Avenue and Hartleigh Avenue. A single alternating lane of traffic (SLAT) will be in place during the work and residents may have their driveway access blocked temporarily as work progresses.

What:   Edgeworth Avenue south of Lawn Avenue and Lawn Avenue between Edgeworth Avenue and Hartleigh Avenue will be reduced to one lane while crews complete excavation, replacement of stormwater culverts, backfilling, grading and paving work. A single alternating lane of traffic (SLAT) will be in place during the work and flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic.

As work advances along both streets, residents may lose access to their driveways for approximately one day over the course of the work. KEV will endeavour to only close access to one resident driveway per day. Residents having their driveways blocked will be notified in advance and temporary street parking passes will be provided. Work for this project will be carried out during day shift hours only and access to all driveways will be restored at the end of each day.

When: Beginning as soon as Monday, August 19 for seven (7) weeks. Work will occur Monday to Friday, during daytime hours.

Why: Installation of stormwater culverts.

Where: Edgeworth Avenue between Lawn Avenue and Carling Avenue Lawn Avenue between Edgeworth Avenue and Hartleigh Avenue.

Anticipated Impacts:

  • Excavation, grading, backfilling and paving work that could include use of excavators, bulldozers, and compactors.

  • Trucks delivering construction materials and hauling away excavated materials may be visible and noise from this equipment will be audible. These trucks will be equipped with broadband alarms to minimize noise when reversing. Residents will see a higher volume of vehicle traffic in the area.

  • Residents with properties adjacent to the stormwater culvert replacement work may have their driveways blocked for approximately one day during the construction. Advance notice will be provided and KEV will endeavour to only impact one driveway per day.

  • Some rock grinding and rock chipping may take place. Crews will be completing this work using hand tools only. There will be no hoe ramming/rock breaking required for this work. 

  • Noise from other equipment including hydrovac trucks will be audible and some equipment may cause vibrations.

  • Dust resulting from excavation and backfilling may be present in the vicinity of the work site. Street sweepers will be deployed regularly to ensure roads are clean.

  • Generators may be in use during the day and will be turned off at night if not needed.

  • Motorists should adhere to detours, traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. The Stage 2 team makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact

Future work is required in this area. Additional construction updates, such as changes to work sequencing and the duration or impact of this work will be communicated via the Stage 2 project e-newsletter. To receive these electronic updates please sign up at and select updates for “Lincoln Fields Station”. For other accommodations, or questions, please contact:

Stakeholder Relations,

Rail Construction Program,

City of Ottawa

Questions the Association posed to the LRT Stage 2 Office. Answer below each question. 

Q1) Where are the culverts to be placed - at the sides of the street or under it? If at the sides of the road - both sides of the road or one only - if so which side?

A1) We are installing alongside the road and on both sides of the streets.

Q2) Will the ditches be eliminated? 

A2) No.

Q3) Does this work take into account/make way for the sidewalk to be built on Edgeworth between Carling and Lawn and along Lawn between Edgeworth and Ancaster in the next few years? (on Transportation Master Plan). 

A3) New sidewalk is not part of KEV scope. City may be in a position to speak to this.

Q4) Is there a plan to upgrade the sewer system as part or after this work? 

A4) Sewers were upgraded North of Lawn Ave as part of KEV scope – no further upgrades South of Lawn in our scope.

Q5) Will the drainage problem at the south east corner of Lawn and Edgeworth as part of this work?  We have made repeated requests to have this fixed and were told that it would not likely be fixed until the utilities were upgraded. A puddle often extends into the middle of Lawn making people walk in the middle of the street at a busy intersection

A5) We are adding 2x ditch inlets on the South East corner which may help but the design intent here is not explicit so we can’t say with certainty it will resolve the issues.

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