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Approved - Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan

On November 13 City Council approved the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan. This plan will guide development in the area surrounding the Lincoln Fields LRT station over the next 25 years.  Parts of Woodpark are included in the plan. While some elements of the plan were progressive allowing for much needed housing, commercial development, and the renewal of the former Lincoln Heights Galleria lands (2525 Carling Ave), the scale and type of developments proposed in Woodpark is of concern to many residents. It is of greatest concern to those living on or near Edgeworth Avenue and those living near Carling Ave. 


On November 5, 2024, I appeared before the City of Ottawa’s Planning and Housing Committee to raise the concerns of members of the Woodpark Community Association. Alan Crawford and Andrew Loschmann, two Woodpark residents also spoke, and I was grateful for their support. A copy of my presentation is linked here along with a letter from the Association summarizing its concerns.


We asked the Planning and Housing Committee to reduce the height of the developments along Edgeworth to facilitate the building of low-rise buildings suitable for families. By coincidence, the same day the Globe and Mail published an editorial “Canada needs homes, not just housing” advocating for more 6 storey buildings in urban areas, suitable for young families or downsizing retirees (freeing up larger homes). These groups also benefit from living close to public transit. We also asked for consistent application of the 45-degree angular plane tool used by planners to ensure appropriate height transitions from high rise buildings into neighbourhoods. We also asked the City to immediately start planning for anticipated increased traffic, parking and physical and for community infrastructure. In the end, none of our concerns were adequately addressed. The one bright spot was the instruction to City staff (introduced by Councillor Kavanagh) to work with the National Capital Commission to explore the creation of useable green space in the area south of the Common Ground Community Garden and west of Edgeworth Avenue. 


I would like to thank the Woodpark residents that came out for the various information sessions about the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan and those that took the time to write to city officials and politicians about their concerns.


Going forward it will be important for Woodpark residents to continue to be involved in the planning for our community as the LRT opens and the expected intensification takes place. While the proposed zoning changes for the developments at 2525 Carling were passed at the same time that the secondary plan was approved, the zoning changes for Edgeworth and along Carling will take place as part of the new City-wide Zoning Bylaws changes. These are expected to occur within the next year or so. We may have an opportunity to influence the zoning changes at that time.

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